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Based on the physical card game "52 Card Adventure - Hacktron", Shen Games brings you the digital version to enjoy. The government is hiding top secret files and it's up to you to employ your programs to hack into their servers. How many file can you steal before you have to jack out?
The focuses a lot on math and being able to create totals with values that seem like they wouldn't fit.
Date added: 2013-09-16
Date added: 2013-09-16
Use the mouse to switch program values around and change functions to try to reach the total.
Example: The goal is 7. You have a 1 and an 8. Swap the 1 and 8 and then use the "subtract" to make 8 - 1 = 7.
Example: The goal is 7. You have a 1 and an 8. Swap the 1 and 8 and then use the "subtract" to make 8 - 1 = 7.
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